Pascal Krexa
Freelance Service & Product Designer
Pascal Krexa
Consultant for Product & Service Design
Service design
Product design
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From different perspectives.

With a bit more than 15 years of experience, I am mainly active in the digital sector as a service and product designer. I was privileged to work with the challenges of international corporations [e.g. AUDI, Allianz, TKSE, RTL], as well as with stably operating companies from the German Mittelstand [e.g. HRS, Stoelzle, MPS, CTA], all the way to innovation-driven startups.

My two-month period in Beijing [China] as a design consultant was very special and expanded my horizon and gave me a new, intensely experienced perspective on needs and usage.

Selected Cases
AUDI AG Web Monitoring App
Web monitoring app
Board members and managers have the opportunity to immediately access current figures on the web performance of AUDI product brands. For this purpose, we have created a mobile dashboard based on intuitive navigation and easy-to-use functions. A notification system helps not to miss any important performance events.
Stölzle machine startup application
Stoelzle Glass
Machine startup application
By digitalisation of setup cards, the software helps to simplify complex startups processes by several times. Machines can learn from production data that has been collected and will improve setups instantly. We designed an one-hand-interaction software that is used daily by workers on the shop floor around the machine.The app was developed in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team called «innovation team».
Magnet-Physik Solution Space
Magnet-Physik Dr. Steingroever
Solution Space
The aim of the solution is to support the calibration laboratory employees in their daily work to comply with the formal, sometimes complex processes. The overall solution - consisting of the three pillars software, processes and culture - was developed across disciplines with the customer and subsequently implemented iteratively in the company.
RTL VOX kochbar
Strengthen products and teams
On the one hand, product team structures that had grown over time were jointly analysed and simplified. This enabled the teams to be adapted more efficiently to the product and also to the holistic corporate culture.On the other hand, this time could already be used to jointly develop new solutions for the entire range of digital products at short notice.
BMW Group Brand Performance
BMW Group
Brand performance software
The challenge was to make the brands and their KPIs visible, measurable and above all, instantly accessible to everyone. We designed a streamlined experience that shows a focussed amount of information initially and allows to see additional information on interaction.The project kicked-off with workshops: In order to define the requirements for the software and the four corporate brands, we moderated a team of seven BMW employees.
Services with Outcome
What you read is what you can get.
Service design
Needs identification
Process identification
Environment identification
Goal & KPI definition
Process modelling
Agile goal modification
Holisitc iterative integration
Squad building (interdisciplinary)
Stakeholder management
Method integration
Design thinking workshop
Design sprint workshop
Product design
Experience Design
Eco-Systems building
Userflow building
Touchpoint mapping
Concept Design
Information architecture
Interface Design
Mobile apps
Interaction Design
Interaction patterns
Something more
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